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McKay & McKay

Autism: The Big Book Set of Help! COMING SOON

Autism: The Big Book Set of Help! COMING SOON

New to Autism? While the world is slowly becoming a friendlier place for neurodivergent people, a diagnosis can be overwhelming. Sometimes it would be nice to just flip through a book and find the answers to the challenges, questions and opportunities that arise. 

That’s why “Autism: The Big Book Set of Help!” series were written – and written by an autistic person; Heather L. E. McKay. It is focused on giving you clear and direct help you can access as you need, and help understanding from inside a neurodivergent brain.

Book one in this series of five will get you started on your journey. If you are curious to understand more about Autism, this is an introduction to our world, our culture, and our linguistics.

The second instalment in this series of five is packed with information about common co-occurring disabilities that you may need to know, whether you need basic information or something more in-depth. Book two covers things from ADHD, to eating disorders, incontinence, PDA and RSD, along with other topics like elopement, AAC, sleep disorders, and masking. This book also contains two mini booklets to help with school advocacy with eating disorders or incontinence.

Book 3 covers arguably the most sensitive and difficult conversations that Autistics and their loved ones are likely to have – that of therapeutic approaches and controversial behavioural modification programs. Some people are unaware that the autistic community consider ABA to be abusive; in this book, you’ll find out why. Packed full of information about the techniques used, the research about therapies for Autism, the proof behind what does and doesn’t work, and why. Most parents will ask “If not ABA, then what?” This book helps answer that question with options and a direction to take to help your child grow into an amazing Autistic adult.

Book Four is all about giving you more tools, more resources, and more information about how to help an autistic person live their best life. From creating a sensory haven and meeting their (or your) needs, to visiting hospitals, getting pregnant, handling hygiene issues (like cutting hair or nails), buying clothing and dealing with sensory issues. This instalment is all about help on a very practical level, and provides helpful information about hobbies and interests or ways of thinking. 

This final book 5 is packed with information about educating neurodivergent children either through traditional schools or homeschooling. It can help a teacher to make their school or classroom more inclusive, help a parent advocate for their child’s needs, or help the home educator or self-directed learner navigate the homeschooling maze and find tools and resources for learning. It can also help you to navigate university or the workplace and has other useful information. It also includes a list of fantastic autistic advocates, bloggers, writers, and researchers who are continuing to blaze a trail for Autistics and Neurodivergents everywhere.

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